Výzkumný institut ochrany genofondů

Research Institute for Gene Pool Conservation

The institute is engaged in research of biological sciences with a special focus on the protection of gene pools and conservation of endangered animal species.

The research topics of the Research Institute 

Three thematic groups

Applied research of African species
Research in zoos

Applied research of African animal species is focused primarily on issues related to breeding in human care. Special emphasis is also placed on the possible reintroduction of animals from the rescue programs to the areas of their original distribution.

Deals with issue of reintroductions and addresses practical part related to the reintroduction of animals in general. It including specific examples of native species of the Czech Republic and Europe.

The third group of topics is basic research of animals in zoos. This research in accordance with the mission of modern zoos, aims to expand our knowledge of the biology of species in huan care.

General partners of the institute
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